Saturday, May 30, 2009

Happiness is a fresh can of paint...

A miracle happened here folks and it is called "Rebecca wants her room painted pink!"

Since Rebecca learned to speak she has always let us know that her favorite color is blue. Her toothbrush is blue. Her earrings are blue. When all the other little girls had pink tutus, Rebecca's was blue. She loves blue. So you can imagine how shocked I was when she said that she no longer wanted her walls to be the deep purple blue color of Larkspur Bouquet (Benjamin Moore). She wants pink. She told me yesterday. So of course today we went to the paint store for samples. Then we went to my favorite mecca of home decor inspiration- T.J. Maxx. How do I love T.J.Maxx? I love it with all my heart. It is always an adventure to wander the bedding aisles and see what treasures need a good home.

Today the gods of T.J.Maxx were smiling on us because Rebecca and I found the perfect quilt to use as the basis for our color choices.

You can't see it perfectly here but the quilt is a turquoise blue with pink roses and lavender lilacs. I love it. Rebecca loves it. Tomorrow we'll start putting up some paint samples on the wall. The whole thing should be done in a few days.
When it comes to painting, time waits for no one. Especially not Rebecca!

1 comment:

Drawn to The Sea said...

Rebecca has fabulous taste in fabrics :-)

A little pink livens up the blue. Smart chickie.